UNIPACE Opens 2020 PhD
Application to Chinese students
巴切大學(xué)(UNIPACE)羅馬(Roma)學(xué)院校長Francisco Rojas Aravena博士(右一)在“一帶一路”計劃(Belt and Road, BRI Program)啟動儀式上
The University for Peace (UPEACE) is an intergovernmentalorganization with university status, established by treaty at the UnitedNations General Assembly in 1980 and having its main campus in Costa Rica,which has been legalized by Chinese Ministry of Education.
Its stated mission is “to provide humanity with aninternational institution of higher education for peace with the aim ofpromoting among all human beings the spirit of understanding, tolerance andpeaceful coexistence, to stimulate cooperation among peoples and to help lessenobstacles and threats to world peace and progress, in keeping with the nobleaspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations.”
The current Rector of UPEACE is Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena.The creation of the University for Peace was set in motion by a treaty andendorsed by resolution 34/111 of 14 December 1979 of the United Nations General Assembly. By Resolution 35/55 of 5 December 1980, the UN General Assemblyendorsed the treaty establishing the University for Peace by adopting theInternational Agreement for the Establishment of the University for Peace(UPEACE) along with the Charter of the University for Peace. The University hasthe unique status of not only being a dedicated institution for highereducation in Peace and Conflict studies, but also an international treaty bodyorganization mandated by the United Nations General Assembly. The Universityhas “unique world-wide authorization to award academic degrees, recognized byall countries which are members of the General Assembly”.
巴切大學(xué)羅馬學(xué)院的現(xiàn)任校長是Francisco Rojas Aravena博士。該校的創(chuàng)立是根據(jù)聯(lián)合國條約推動,并于1979年12月14日通過聯(lián)合國大會的第34/111號決議獲得認(rèn)可。巴切大學(xué)擁有“獲得聯(lián)合國成員國認(rèn)可博士學(xué)位的全球唯一授權(quán)”。
Few words about sciences of the peace that are fundamentally sciences of relationship and soon after, sciences of education. ’There is aneed to create an educational (global) village, in which all people, accordingto their respective roles, share the task of forming a network of open, humanrelationships’, this is Pope Francis’ message for the launch of the Global Compact on Education, that for us is the global compact on relationship and on peace.
現(xiàn)任天主教教皇方濟(jì)各與巴切大學(xué)羅馬學(xué)院校長Francisco Rojas Aravena博士親切交流
The research-based setting helps students in giving them thepossibility to study and pursue research independently, under the supervisionof a thesis advisor assigned by the University. Students will be invited tojoin seasonal conferences and activities in Rome, and they will receive fromthe start of the program the necessary online resources to conduct theirresearch from their location of preference. The final PhD thesis shows the significantcontribution of the candidate to his research field. Thus, research topics willbe developed and finely tuned on the basis of the PhD candidates’ professionaland academic profile, as well as on their research project proposals.
The PhD programme is designed to be completed in 3 academicyears; its workload corresponds to 180 ECTS (student workload ranges from 1,500to 1,800 hours for an academic year). Applicants are required to write theirdoctoral thesis in English.
We will open different majors, depending on students’ demandsalongside the greatest emphasis on the research methodology, the researchdesigns, the purpose statement, the research questions and hypotheses,quantitative and qualitative method, the comparison between European Union Horizon 2020 and Chinese Horizon 2025 as a reference point. The title is achieved aftersuccessfully completing the PhD programme and after having successfullydeveloped and presented the doctoral thesis.
Possible majors will be: innovation management, culturalheritage(Renaissance and international art development, includingmusic, art, performance, media), data analysis, sociology of digital culture, contemporary security, communication 4.0(Art exchanging, including music, art, performance, media), industry 4.0, sport and health, elderly care, sciences of the peace, internationalrelations, environment policies, UN agenda 2030.
The BRI can be considered as the largest international cooperation plan of this century, paving the way to many opportunities, as well as challenges in need for a response.
The BRI has included 120 countries and could be the mostimportant contemporary geopolitical tool of this century. We must appreciate the Chinese determination to promote dialogue of minds and cultural exchanges and UNIPACE President, Prof. Eng. Gianni Cara, hopes that his students willbecome modern-day Marco Polos, as cultural ambassadors between China and Italy,as he has the awareness that innovation can make the difference in training,and can become the most powerful personal growth driver.
“一帶一路”倡議涵蓋了120個國家,可能是本世紀(jì)最重要的當(dāng)代地緣政治工具。我們必須贊賞中國促進(jìn)思想對話和文化交流的決心。聯(lián)合國國際和平組織主席恩格教授、巴切大學(xué)羅馬學(xué)院總裁吉安妮·卡拉稱,他們希望博士生們將成為中國和意大利之間的文化使者,成為現(xiàn)代的馬可·波羅(Marco Polos)。因為他們意識到創(chuàng)新可以改變教育方式,并可以成為個人成長中最有力的推動。
2020 started a new era with new problems including relationship between the region and globalization for peace. Along the “Beltand Road” initiative, the University for Peace opens the Doctor’s Degree coursesto meet the requirement in special 2020. Successful completion of all courses willlead to a doctorate, which showsthe significant contribution of the candidate to their research field. The researchers who obtained the Ph.D. degree will be awarded the Ph.D. certificate of all students by the main campus, which has been approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
For more detailed information, please contact with Ms. Sonia, Shuang Zhuo(卓霜)in Wuhan, China at +86-027 88850788, who is responsible for related management and recruiting work.
若咨詢相關(guān)更多詳細(xì)信息,請致電+86-027-88850788,Sonia Zhuo Shuang 女士將負(fù)責(zé)中國項目的管理及相關(guān)組織工作。
中國留學(xué)監(jiān)管認(rèn)證 http://jsj.moe.gov.cn/n1/12132.shtml
聯(lián)合國網(wǎng)站 www.un.org
聯(lián)合國國際條約網(wǎng)站 https://treaties.un.org/